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New ALS service | Gut microbiome profiling trough NGS sequencing


The microbiome is the community of all microbes e.g. bacteria, virus and fungi that reside in a particular environment or ecosystem.

Did you know that the microbiome development begins at birth and is essential for the body’s normal function?

The gut microbiome plays an important role in human and animal health, as it is implicated in several vital functions (such as in digestion, where it is involved in the absorption of complex nutrients (e.g. lactose) and in the production of essential vitamins; regulation of the immune system and protection against infections; and interaction with the nervous system).

The microbiome is highly influenced by our diet and lifestyle. Distinct microbiota compositions have been associated with health and longevity, physical performance, and predisposition to various diseases (including metabolic conditions like obesity and diabetes, cancer, and neurological diseases).

ALS is a biotechnology company specialized in the analysis of the gut microbiome through high-resolution NGS sequencing. Our team of experts offers high-quality and reliable services that allow identification and quantification the bacterial species that compose the gut microbiome.

Our new gut microbiome sequencing service based on nanopore technology is ideal for R&D institutions and companies looking for:

  • High-throughput sequencing | Management of studies with extensive cohorts and provision of raw data if necessary.
  • Customized solutions | Customized and flexible services to meet the specific requirements of your study.
  • B2B compatible | Provide your customers with high-quality data.
  • Integrated service | From sample collection to bioinformatics analysis using advanced analysis pipelines.
  • Technical experts | Collaborate with our experts to make the most of the data obtained.

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